Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Obsession for Nothingness

Ever since I can remember I always set goals and strive damn hard to see a check beside that goal I've set. It makes me feel fulfilled. I thought that was enough to make me feel complete. Fulfillment as I know now is entirely different from being happy.

When I graduated from college, I envisioned my self to have a car, a place of my own, a great career, a high-paying job from a multi-national and of course, be a wife with a fairy tale like love story. All of those I targeted a good 10years to be fulfilled. I also have side goals each year--things I wanted to learn, stuff I wanted to have not just for me but for my family, places I wanted to visit and people I wanted to meet. True enough, those goals when met made me feel I achieved something.

Sadly though, I became obsessed fulfilling those goals that I forgot to review and really think things through if my goals were aligned to God's will. I was too persistent...too determined to give it up. I would even mask it as a mere challenge that He'd like me to hurdle. I was even proud to say I am not a quitter. Now, looking back...I realized if it was too hard, maybe it was not meant to be. I also know now that it is always wise to follow the path of least resistance.

There are so many things now that I don't understand. Where am I heading? What lies ahead? What should I do? Who will I be with for the rest of my life? Loads of hanging questions but I find rest knowing that I do not own my life. I find fulfillment knowing that God is in everything. Out of the uncertainty of tomorrow, I am left with the best option to totally trust Him today. That alone is more than enough reason to be happy.

Before this awakening, I was obsessed with goals and on meeting them. Regardless of how many, how big or how noble those goals are, if it does not find origin in God, I know now that it accounts for nothing. It was foolish of me to be obsessed with nothing. What's ironic is, now that I truly do not have anything and nothing to be obsessed about, the void gives space for peace. Though dependent on Him for mostly everything, I feel alive and truly happy. Now I am not bogged down by any disappointments for I know He is just preparing me for something better.

In the Gospel today, where Jesus revealed heavenly things to children, I earnestly pray to be child-like. I hope that experience and life lessons strip me off all pretenses, arrogance, fears and worries so that God could see me as I am and in the same manner so that I could recognize God in His utmost purest form.

Today I pray that both you and I be humble and trusting to what our heavenly Father wants. May you feel confident of His love just like how our earthly fathers made us feel loved. God bless you!


  1. Innocence is the trait that children posses which adults tend to forget unintentionally. if we could be as innocent as a child is then we are one step in being closer to God's warm embrace.

  2. Why do we close our eyes when we sleep, when we cry, when we imagine, when we kiss? Because the most beautiful thing in the world is unseen.

    Nice blog Aya:)

  3. Thank you for posting your comments Anonymous and rmp2k3.


Hope you could share your thoughts too. Would be happy to know your comments.