Saturday, July 24, 2010

Sober Sower

I was reflecting on yesterday's Gospel about the Parable of the Sower. In the Homily, the priest said the seed is the Word of God and the soil is the state of the person who hears the Word of God. The parable gave us four kinds of soil or four types of people.

Pathway-people hears the word but doesn't understand it, thus they fall prey to the dark side of the force. Rocky-ground-people gets elated when they hear the word but the effect is short term. Thorns-people hears the word but gets preoccupied with worldly matters thus cutting off the very word they received. As you know, only the seed sown on a rich soil bears fruit. These are people who understand what they heard, remains committed to what they heard and have dedicated their lives to live according to the precepts of the Word.

I believe God wants us to be truly happy. I believe He sends us angels on earth to guide us on how to make the most out of life.

As profound as the parable already is, in my opinion this also cuts across advice we hear from people or from angels on earth. We hear countless advice on how to be fit and fabulous, how to have fulfilling relationships, how to have financial freedom etc. etc.

Just like the soil in the parable, people fall out of their goals because (1) they do not understand, (2) they are after quick-fixes or (3) they are preoccupied with something else. The point I'd like to drive at is the Gospel is practical as it is sacred. The way to become a rich soil on earth so we can reap our reward in heaven is for us to (1) value knowledge and develop understanding, (2) remain committed and most importantly (3) walk the talk...act.

The Parable of the Sower for me is a practical manual for us to be sober on earth. In my ABC, sober is the state of being calm. Calmness means peace. Peace is from God. Anything that is from Him and for Him is good.

My friend, may you and I become a sober sowers of God's peace. May we get transformed into the rich soil we ought to be.

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